Localised dementia supports and resources in Victoria and TasmaniaThe COVID-19 pathways have been developed using international evidence from health systems including those in New Zealand, the UK and Australia. Our PHNs are responsible for ensuring the pathways align with Victorian Government guidance and are regularly updated as clinical criteria change and local health services adapt their processes.Read More
COVID-19 care pathwaysThe COVID-19 pathways have been developed using international evidence from health systems including those in New Zealand, the UK and Australia. Our PHNs are responsible for ensuring the pathways align with Victorian Government guidance and are regularly updated as clinical criteria change and local health services adapt their processes.Read More
PIP QI Incentive partnershipVictorian and Tasmanian PHNs are working together to support the introduction of the Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI) Incentive.Read More
Enhancing Carers Supports Within Primary Health CareDesign, develop and launch efforts to enhance primary care workforce capacity to support Victorian carers with a focus on carer recognition and supports.Read More
Statewide Specialist Clinic Referral CriteriaThe Victorian and Tasmanian PHN Alliance has been commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services to support an integrated approach to the adoption of statewide referral criteria for acute adult specialist clinics.Read More
Voluntary Assisted DyingThe Voluntary Assisted Dying Act (2017) provides a safe legal framework for people who are suffering and dying to choose the manner and timing of their death. The Victorian Primary Health Networks are supporting a range of initiatives to enhance health practitioner capacity with regard to voluntary assisted dying.Read More
Alcohol and other Drug IntegrationStatewide approaches to alcohol and other drugs health is a shared priority of the six Victorian Primary Health Networks, an Australian Government Initiative and the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services.Read More
Mental Health IntegrationEfforts to support the Enhancing Mental Health Support in Schools (EMHSS) program which provides mental health services to all 327 government secondary schools across Victoria.Read More
State Emergency and Support RecoveryContributions to emergency planning and activation of primary care sector linkages in the event of an emergency. Read More
The National Disability Insurance Scheme in Victoria and TasmaniaOperational information regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).Read More
My Health Record ExpansionCollaboration with the Australian Digital Health Agency to support provider readiness and communications and community engagement for the My Health Record Expansion across local catchments.Read More
SafeScriptDesign, develop and deliver training to prescribers and pharmacists on how to use SafeScript which helps prescribers and pharmacists to safely manage patients who may be misusing prescription medicines, or those who may be receiving supplies of high-risk medicines beyond therapeutic need.Read More
Care Pathways and ReferralCare pathways aim to enhance clinical knowledge and promote best practice care, reduce the number of patients referred to specialist care who could be managed in primary/community care, build collaboration and reduce fragmentation across the health service network, and improve health outcomes.Read More