NewsNew criteria for eligible patients requiring general surgery for a range of conditionsNew statewide referral criteria for select hernia, oesophageal and hepatobiliary, colon and anorectal conditions potentially requiring general surgery, come into effect from 1 November 2024 in all Victorian publ...Read More
NewsNew criteria for eligible patients requiring specialist management for a range of respiratory and sleep conditionsNew statewide referral criteria for select respiratory conditions and sleep disorders come into effect from 1 November 2024 in all Victorian public hospitals. When a referring GP successfully uses the new respir...Read More
NewsNew criteria for eligible patients requiring general surgery for a range of breast conditionsNew statewide referral criteria for select breast conditions potentially requiring general surgery, came into effect from 1 June 2024 in all Victorian public hospitals. When a referring GP successfully uses the ...Read More
NewsNew criteria to reduce wait times for eligible patients requiring plastic surgery or with joint or lower back painNew statewide referral criteria for plastic surgery and joint pain come into effect from 1 March 2024 in all Victorian public hospitals. When a referring GP successfully uses the new criteria for plastic surg...Read More
NewsNew criteria to reduce wait times for eligible patients requiring colonoscopy or gastroscopy in Victorian public hospitalsNew ‘companion’ statewide referral criteria for category one patients with specific indications that require colonoscopy or gastroscopy come into effect from 1 February 2024. The criteria are: positive fae...Read More
NewsClosure of GP clinics: key messages for health servicesRead the key messages below and download a PDF version with social media posts. When are GP respiratory clinics closing? All Victorian Government funded general practice respiratory clinics (GPRCs) have ceased o...Read More
NewsInfection Prevention and Control Helpline updateThe Infection Prevention and Control Helpline, funded by the Victorian Department of Health, was made available in June 2021, to ensure patient and staff safety was maintained during the pandemic. Now that COVID...Read More
NewsNew statewide referral criteria for long COVID patients requiring specialist careNew statewide criteria for long COVID are now in effect across Victoria, making it easier for patients and GPs to navigate referrals to specialist hospital services for the small number of patients who may need ...Read More
NewsChanges ease non-admitted referrals for GPs, hospitals and patients A new Victorian Department of Health policy to streamline access to non-admitted specialist services in public hospitals, to be phased in over the next two years, will make the process easier for patients and th...Read More
NewsThe Doctors in Secondary Schools project changes kids’ futures one day at a time Jessica Chung, the acting practice manager at IPC Health in Deer Park, still remembers what life was like in high school. “It was a stressful time,” she laughs, “especially in the senior years!” Jessic...Read More
News / STIs / VHHITALGet to know your STIs: new primer videos for primary health care clinicians out nowVHHITAL’s new videos provide an overview of diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common STIs for primary care providers, before undertaking a 90-minute accredited VHHITAL training course on a...Read More
NewsTools for wellbeing and better health outcomes for people with chronic blood-borne virusesThe Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training And Learning (VHHITAL) program has released a three-part webinar recording: Tools for wellbeing. GPs, nurses and other primary health care practitioners are en...Read More
News / System integrationThird batch of statewide referral criteria for public specialist clinics to launch 1 May 2021Public specialist clinics across Victoria will start assessing referrals against the third batch of Victorian Department of Health statewide specialist clinic referral criteria from 1 May 2021. These provide cle...Read More
Events / NewsMental Health Professionals’ Network and Primary Health Networks announce national initiativeIn a national first, all 31 Primary Health Networks have joined with the Mental Health Professionals’ Network (MHPN) to produce an exciting webinar series targeted to the workforce who support the mental health ...Read More
NewsTips and strategies in using technology for mental health consultationsLearn about the opportunities, challenges and risks in conducting mental health consultations by telephone and/or videoconferencing, and practical strategies for improving outcomes for both practitioner and client....Read More
News / ResourcesNew webinar: Recalls and reminders in general practiceThe Victorian and Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance has published a new webinar: Recalls and reminders in general practice. Differentiate between recalls and reminders and their key components, understan...Read More
News / ResourcesNew webinar: Introduction to immunisation for general practice nursesThe Victorian and Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance has published a new webinar: Introduction to immunisation for general practice nurses. Learn about the Victorian Department of Health and Human Service...Read More
News / ResourcesUpdated webinar: Infection prevention and controlThe Victorian and Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance's webinar, Infection prevention and control, has been updated....Read More
Events / News / Online learningTelehealth webinar for mental health providers: Monday, 18 May 7:15–8:30pmJoin this webinar to better understand the opportunities, challenges and risks in conducting mental health consultations by telephone and/or videoconferencing, and to learn practical strategies for improving...Read More
NewsCOVID-19 in Victoria: Update on the response of Primary Health Networks and general practiceThe Victorian and Tasmanian PHN Alliance consulted representatives from Victoria’s six Primary Health Networks (PHNs) on 9 March 2020 to document how the sector is supporting general practices across the state....Read More
Alerts / News / System integrationNew public hospital referral criteria launch 1 February 2020Public specialist clinics across Victoria will start assessing referrals against the second batch of statewide specialist clinic referral criteria from 1 February 2020....Read More
Alerts / NewsCataract surgery referrals and wait times at the Eye and Ear HospitalAn update on waiting lists for patients to be assessed for cataract surgery at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital....Read More
Alerts / News / System integrationHealthPathways launches the Pancreatic Cancer – Established pathwayA new clinical pathway for GPs has been launched to mark World Pancreatic Cancer Day, to help people living with Pancreatic Cancer receive better support in the community....Read More
Alerts / Best Practice / NewsTender now open: Optimal Care Pathways HealthPathways Project EvaluationNorth Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) is seeking to commission an organisation to provide an independent evaluation of the statewide Optimal Care Pathways HealthPathways project....Read More
Alerts / News / System integrationNew statewide specialist clinic referral criteria launching in public hospitalsThe Victorian and Tasmanian PHN Alliance has been commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services to support an integrated approach to the adoption of statewide referral criteria for...Read More
Alerts / NewsBest practice for pancreatic cancer carePancreatic cancer has been one of the top causes of cancer death in Australia, with the five-year survival rate of the disease being at a low 8.7 per cent....Read More
Alerts / NewsOptimal Care Pathways for head and neck cancers to be promoted by Victorian Primary Health NetworksHead and neck cancers are within the top 10 cancers most commonly diagnosed in Australia, and there are no standard screening tests for early detection....Read More
Alerts / NewsBest practice for melanoma cancer careIt is estimated that the risk of an individual dying from melanoma by their 85th birthday has reached 1 in 118 people. The risk is greater in men, with 1 in 76 males likely to die of melanoma by the age of 85,...Read More
Alerts / NewsPrimary Health Networks join forces for better cancer carePeople living with cancer are set to receive better care in their own community, with all Primary Health Networks in Victoria working to increase the use of Optimal Care Pathways (OCPs) for cancer in 2019....Read More