Statewide approaches to alcohol and other drugs health is a shared priority of the six Victorian Primary Health Networks, an Australian Government Initiative and the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services. Parties have committed to implement a shared program of work to focus on the integration of alcohol and other drug services across the system, with a focus on: provision of high quality and earlier care (including local secondary consultation relationships); building capacity of primary care providers; mapping clear referral pathways across PHN regions, and increasing linkage with social support services, including mental health services.
Collective efforts include the development, implementation and oversight of a statewide strategic plan to:
- Enhance primary care capacity for AOD prevention and early intervention, and integration and linkage with specialist AOD services
- Map specialist referral pathways between primary care and specialist AOD services, and maximise strategies to enhance linked service responses
- Develop strategies and processes to support co-commissioning by PHNs and DHHS for better results.
In line with this, a shared position of Senior Lead AOD Integration has been established to support robust and outcome-based alcohol and other drug planning, guideline development, and service responses across Victoria.